The brainchild of the amiable and unashamedly charismatic Craig Dermody, Scott & Charlene’s Wedding offer a generation’s glimpse of love, home-sickness, basketball, alienation, rock and roll and all things that matter to an expat Aussie stranded in New York. Dermody’s heart-on-his-sleeve lyrics reveal tales of everyday life, unhinged, humorous and poignant, while the music effortlessly sprawls across decades. Their new album, Any Port in a Storm, is out on Fire Records. Below, Craig Dermody picks his favourite films for the Jukebox.
1. The Holy Mountain (Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1973)
The Holy Mountain has everything and the brutality is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Jodorowsky is one of my favourite artists, he’s right into tarot cards and sleep deprivation.
2. The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan, 2008)
The Dark Knight also has everything for me. There is a moment when he has that fella hostage in that building and he gets sucked back up into the airplane and you really know it’s the best film ever made.
3. Lucifer Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1972)
Lucifer Rising has Marianne Faithful, intense dark images and music from a member of the Manson family. Kenneth Anger was a massive influence for people like David Lynch and John Waters, and never quite got the credit he deserved, but this film is amazing!
4. Pink Flamingos (John Waters, 1972)
Now, this film really has everything: Trash trash trash trash trash trash xoxoxoxoxox
5. Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks (Dan Klores, 2010)
One of my favourite memories of the 90s was watching the Reggie Miller vs. The Knicks rivalry. I remember everything from this documentary as it happened, and it’s great to hear everyone talk about it retrospectively. High drama + NBA + the 90s = Everything.
6. Blue Velvet (David Lynch, 1986)
This film really has everything. I could have chosen between a bunch of David Lynch films, and I love all of them, but chose this because it was the first one I got into. Incredibly weird and intense, David Lynch has a style all his own, and is a master of dream-like sequences.
7. Iron Man 2 (Jon Favreau, 2010)
This film has everything too. Might be considered trash but I love trash, enough to watch it three times.
8. The Wrestler (Darren Aronofsky, 2008)
The Wrestler has an intense, dark reality and a character that is incredibly loveable, but incredibly flawed. I can relate to him in a big way, but he makes me feel ok about how I’m going.
9. Autonomy and Deliberation (UV Race and Johann Rashid, 2012)
Ok, ok, this film really has EVERYTHING. Rock ‘n’ roll by my great Melbs mates UV Race, following the story of lead singer Marcus trying to put the band back together. Heaps of Melbourne in-jokes – the Dogs in Space of 2013.