ODDSAC is a feature film collaboration between the band Animal Collective and filmmaker Danny Perez. The film was co-conceived by and stars Animal Collective. ODDSAC is a dense and surreal layering of audio and visual elements that eschews conventional narrative to create a visceral, immersive experience. ODDSAC features an original score with new songs from the band and complex digital manipulation by Perez, a debut filmmaker and visual artist known for his concert projections with musicians such as Black Dice and Panda Bear. ODDSAC represents a new synthesis of music and film, a ‘visual album’ whose songs will not be released in any other form.
Watch the trailer:
The DVD of ODDSAC will be released by Plexi in the UK on 9 August. The DVD package includes the 55-minute film with news songs and score by Animal Collective; a 40 page art book in a slipcover case; high definition transfer and 5.1 surround sound audio. For more information go to the ODDSAC webiste.