Starting a new series of the monthly show about cult cinema, Virginie Sélavy talks to the cast and crew of a new American thriller about organ harvesting, Lowlife, which screened at this year’s Fantasia Festival in Montreal, while Alex Fitch discusses the low budget feminist dystopian classic Born in Flames with director Lizzie Borden, recorded after a screening at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Also in this show, German genre critic Marcelle Perks discusses her contributions to the book Lost Girls: The Phantasmagorical Cinema of Jean Rollin published by Spectacular Optical.
The Electric Sheep Film Show is broadcast every third Wednesday of the month, 5.30-6.30pm at Resonance FM 104.4. Next date: 18 October 2017.
Clear Spot – 20 September 2017 (Electric Sheep) by Resonance Fm on Mixcloud